Home for Every Child is powered by generous volunteers who give of their time, talents and resources to see kids and families well cared for. There is a role for everyone; come find your fit!
Replanted Conference - Surrey BC - Nov 1&2
Holiday Sale
We need people to help us with all kinds of things to make this retreat-like conference fantastic!
errand runners
people to make phone calls
on-site event helpers
family cheer team participants
service providers (nails, hair, massages, makeovers)
Audio/Visual Production
Holiday Sale
The needs of children become more real and carry a deeper impact when their stories are told and we can paint a picture of their reality with and without family. If you have the skills to create audio or visual resources that can help us more effectively advocate for vulnerable kids, we'd like to meet you.
Research and Connections?
Holiday Sale
Canada is a big place and we have a lot of people and service providers to connect with if we want to offer families across our nation the best support that we can.
If you enjoy talking to people and you're interested in helping us to make phone calls, give us a ring and let's get you going!
Provincial Contacts
Holiday Sale
Our dream is to have representatives of Home For Every Child in all 10 provinces and 3 territories of our nation. If you're tuned into the local conditions and service providers in your province (or you'd like to be) and you'd like to work with us, we'd like to get to know you.
We can ALWAYS welcome more people to engage with:
our prayer team
community engagement
event planning and prep
professional services