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Hope for the Journey (Introduction to TBRI)
This year it is more accessible to anyone at any time in 2025.​
Do you know about a location hosting a Hope for the Journey event that we can share?
Vancouver Island Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser
Order by April 2. Delivery April 17 to Chemainus, BC.
We believe that EVERY CHILD belongs in a loving family and that
a loving family EXISTS for EACH AND EVERY CHILD.
However, various and numerous barriers often keep these families and children from coming together.
Our mission is to minimize those barriers
Number of support requests received since Jan 1:

There are more than 30,000 children waiting for adoption
in Canada, and over 20 million children waiting worldwide.
Most Canadian provinces have more children coming into government care than there are available foster homes.
What if Canadians knew the needs and how average people can made a huge difference?
Find out more:

The needs are bigger than any of us can address on our own. But we can do better TOGETHER!
We are passionate about seeing kids come into loving homes and working with others in this sphere to build communities around adoptive, foster care and kinship families.
Learn how average people can make a big difference in the lives of vulnerable kids WITHOUT fostering or adopting
Help us reduce the financial burden on families by giving towards adoption, post-adoption and general assistance grants
Thinking of fostering or adoption? Let us link you to families who have walked the journey that you are considering or walking
Connect with the professionals to lead you through the processes for respite, foster care or adoption or to find support for your child and family
Join a training session to get better equipped to understand and support hurting kids and families who have opened their homes

Yes, Canada needs more foster and adoptive parents, but do you know what would make a HUGE difference?
People committed to walk with these children and families!
provide respite
understand the impacts of trauma
be a listening ear
drive kids
pick up groceries
invite these families to social events
speak value
love them - for real
stick with them through the hard
don't be scared, don't pull back

Our finances come from donations and fundraisers through our communities across Canada. The support that we receive determines the level of support that we can provide to families and furthers the efforts of finding more children a forever family.
Your Donations Support:
> Assessments & counselling for foster/adopted/kinship kids and
> Necessary therapies for these kids that are otherwise not covered
> Education and equipping for families to better care for the unique
needs of these kids and keep families together
> Awareness, education and equipping events for communities
> And more